
With winter coming, it’s essential to make sure you’re ready for it. Your garage can help prepare you to take on anything.
You aren’t going to like this spring break. When the spring in your garage breaks, it can cause a host of problems for you. The break is extremely loud and sounds similar to a gunshot.
Are you a fan of garage doors fully made out of glass? Perhaps you’ve noticed them on Instagram, at your beloved café, or on a television design show.    
There is an expression that says “Clothes make the man”. Could that be applied to your garage door? When you stand on the sidewalk or at the curb and face your home, what do you see first?
Here are some ideas on how you could set up your garage as a game room. These will certainly inspire you to move forward with your transformation project.
You’ve been the owner of your own company or service business for several years… Some of your customers come directly to your place of business, either to see the products you carry or to by replacement parts.
The quick answer is YES! Neglecting to do so could lead to unpleasant surprises just like putting off seeing the dentist for a small toothache could lead to a major abscess. In both cases, the work to resolve the issue will cost you much more if you wait too long to do it.
If it’s time to for you to purchase a new electric garage door opener, be aware that there are different types. The drive mechanism (considered its transmission) can be based on a chain (much like the one on your bicycle), on a rubber belt (reinforced with steel as with car tires), on a screw (not as popular in cold regions), and the latest model, the Jackshaft, installed next to the door.
It’s a great idea to change your current garage door to give your home an all-new look. Why not take advantage of this occasion to modify or improve the exterior lighting of your house as well as that around your garage door to put your whole residence in its best “light”!
The quick answer is yes, especially if you experience frequent power outages in the area where you live. Read on to learn why it’s important for an electric garage door opener to have a backup battery.

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